The 15th RCEA Bayesian Econometrics Workshop

The 15th RCEA Bayesian Econometrics Workshop

Universidad del Atlántico Medio 

9-10 June 2025

The 15th RCEA Bayesian Econometrics Workshop will be in association with the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law at Atlántico Medio University (Gran Canaria, Spain) on June 9-10, 2025. Papers in all areas of Bayesian Econometrics are welcome for contributed sessions. 

Keynote Speaker:


Paper or abstract submission. Authors should submit either a paper or an extended abstract. Please submit a pdf file with your submission including contact details, paper title, institutional affiliation, name of presenting author, names of co-authors, keywords, and JEL classification codes for the paper.

Please submit your abstract/paper on Conference Maker by 10 March 2025.  

Conference Programme 

Conference Venue 

Conference Social Event:

There will be a conference dinner on the 9th of June, to be paid for by those who wish to attend it directly at the restaurant. Details about the location will follow.

Important Dates:

Registration fee:

Lunches and coffee breaks:




Travel Information

 Organizing Committee:

Conference Chairs

Our Sponsors:

The Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis

© RCEA 2020