The RCEA Colloquium 2019

RCEA Growth, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference

September 20-21, 2019, Lazaridis School of Business and Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Keynote Speakers

John Haltiwanger (University of Maryland, College Park, NBER and IZA)

Josh Lerner (Harvard Business School and NBER)

With recent slowdown in economic growth, innovation and enterprneurship became one of the leading areas of economic and management research. Growth results from the effort of innovative entrepreneurs, with new technologies replacing old ones. This trend is expected to accelerate with adoption of artificial intelligence, robotics and machine learning. The goal of the conference is to bring together leading researchers and policymakers to discuss and contribute to the understanding of issues related to economic growth, innovation and entrepreneurship. We welcome theoretical, empirical and policy – oriented papers in all areas of economics and finance related to the overarching theme of the conference.

10th RCEA Macro-Money-Finance Conference. Is a Recession Coming?

September 13-14, 2019, Balsillie School of International Affairs, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Keynote Speakers

Emmanuel Farhi (Harvard University, NBER and CEPR)

Enrique Mendoza (University of Pennsylvania and NBER)

The current macroeconomic situation indicates a growing possibility of the next recession. Economic growth has slowed down in Europe and China and is likely to slow down in the US once the stimulative effect of tax cuts passes. Combined with tariff war between US and China, erratic economic policies in some countries and financial markets volatility, a recession in the next two years is more likely than it appeared to be a year ago. The current situation makes dealing with the next recession a formidable challenge: interest rates are low, public debts are high and some macroprudential reforms introduced in the wake of the Great Recession have been rolled back.

The goal of the conference is to assemble a group of leading researchers in macroeconomics, monetary economics and finance to present and discuss their recent work. While the focus of the conference is on theoretical and empirical work related to macro prospects, we welcome papers in all areas of economics and finance related to the overarching theme of the conference.

4th Workshop on Spatial Dimensions of the Labour Market

11-12 July 2019, Aix-Marseille School of Economics, Marseille, France

Keynote Speakers

Alan Manning (London School of Economics)

Frederic Robert-Nicoud (Geneva School of Economics and Management)

The 4th Workshop on “Spatial Dimensions of the Labour Market” focuses on topics concerning regional labour markets. This year, a special focus is placed on the causes and consequences of agglomeration effects, and on local labour markets. The workshop aims to bring together frontier researchers from the areas of labour economics, regional economics, geography and other related fields. Theoretical, empirical and policy-oriented contributions are welcome.

13th RCEA Bayesian Econometrics Workshop  

22-23 June, 2019, University of Cyprus, Larnaca

Keynote Speaker

Gianni Amisano (Federal Reserve Board and RCEA)

Gary Koop (University of Strathclyde and RCEA)

The 13th RCEA Bayesian Econometrics Workshop will take place in association with the University of Cyprus on 22-23 June 2019 in Larnaca, Cyprus. We are grateful to the International Association for Applied Econometrics and the University of Cyprus for generous support.

6th RCEA Time Series Econometrics Workshop  

22-23 June, 2019, Larnaca, Cyprus, Palm Beach Hotel

Keynote Speaker

Alexey Onatskiy (University of Cambridge)

P. C. B. Phillips (Yale University, University of Auckland, University of Southampton & Singapore Management University)

Peter Robinson (London School of Economics)

The 6th RCEA Time Series Econometrics Workshop will take place in association with the University of Cyprus on 22-23 June 2019 in Larnaca, Cyprus. We are grateful to the International Association for Applied Econometrics  and the University of Cyprus for generous support.

Financial econometrics: a session in honour of Ramo Gençay

Canadian Economic Association 53rd Annual Conference

May 31-June 2, Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, Banff, Alberta, Canada

RCEA has organized a session: Financial econometrics: a session in honour of Ramo Gençay, at the Canadian Economic Association Conference in Banff, Alberta, May 31-June 2, 2019. Ramo died tragically in Colombia in December. He was a Senior Fellow and member of the RCEA Scientific Committee from the outset. His contributions were fundamental to the RCEA’s launch and its subsequent success. Ramo organized and managed the RCEA financial study group. He was an agent of continuous inspiration, commitment and enthusiasm. He understood and personified RCEA’s spirit of intellectual independence and informal, but earnest scholarship. Istanbul Bilgi University organized a conference in honor of Ramo. He was appointed as the head of a finance institute at Bilgi University and he had many friends and collaborators there. Ramo will be greatly missed and will remain an inspiration to the colleagues and students who had the good fortune of meeting him.

2rd RCEA Warsaw Money-Macro-Finance Conference (WMMFC 2019)

May 10-11 , 2019, University of Warsaw, Poland

Keynote Speakers

Florencio López de Silanes (SKEMA Business School, France)

Richard Baillie (Michigan State University)

The Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis – Poland and the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw invite papers to be considered for the 2nd RCEA Warsaw Money-Macro-Finance Conference (WMMFC 2019). The Conference will assemble a group of applied and theoretical economists to present and discuss their work on all areas of macroeconomics, monetary economics, finance and related fields.

5th International Conference on Applied Theory, Macro and Empirical Finance (AMEF2019)

April 22-23, 2019, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece

Keynote Speakers

Harris Dellas (University of Bern)

Thanasis Stengos (University of Guelph)

Brian Lucey (Trinity Business School)

The Department of Economics of the University of Macedonia organizes the 5th International Conference on Applied Theory, Macro and Empirical Finance (AMEF), which will be held at the Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece. The aim is to bring together researchers, young scholars, post-doctoral researchers and PhD students that are working on the areas of Economics and Finance.